

Tackle systemic racsm in the workplace with practical strategies

  • The role of executive leaders and how to push past discomfort to credibly and authentically lead change.

  • Strategies for recognising the problem of systemic racism and implementing impactful solutions.

  • Explanations of why diversity and inclusion initiatives haven’t yet solved the problem.

  • Ways language can either be a weapon to perpetuate systemic racism or a tool to dismantle.

  • Why increasing representation won’t solve the problem.

  • How racial equity forms part of an organisations sustainability agenda.

Free Digital Discussion Guide To Accompany The Anti-Racist Organization

“It would be great to be able to talk to other people about what is resonating with me, but our company doesn’t really allow for that to happen [without it being a formal training session]”

A quick policy review or an aggressive recruitment drive to attract more “diverse” employees may be the default position that many take, yet it is proven not to be the silver bullet that makes this “all go away”.

Conversations are happening, yet there is still a need to empower and encourage, this FREE digital discussion guide is deliberately designed to:

  • Facilitate open, transparent and compassionate dialogue between team members, managers and leaders.

  • Encourage introspective reflection from multiple viewpoints, promoting critical thinking without fear of judgement or reprisal.

  • Provide answers to common questions such as “Should discussion groups be all-white, all-Black? Or does it matter?” “Can a white person facilitate conversations about racism?” “How do you maintain control of conversations?” “How do you guard against fragility and defensiveness?” “How can we open a dialogue that is respectful yet doesn’t centre white colleagues and their feelings?”

  • Recognise the nuances and demands of organisational dialogue; meaning it’s structured to respect the time and mental capacity of busy team members who want a focused, informal yet impactful exploration of the book's themes.